Now at almost 10 months he eats amazingly and loves all sorts of different foods!

Now at almost 10 months he eats amazingly and loves all sorts of different foods!

1. When did your baby commence BLW?

We started baby Led weaning a few days before Ollie turned 6 months old. He was showing all the signs of readiness and we were excited to begin.

2. What were bub’s first foods and when did he start to swallow?

His first foods were baked chicken, sweet potato fries, and pears. He knew how to bring food to his mouth and loved to play with it but would gag every time he would get a bite. It was very nerve wrecking the first couple of weeks and I there were multiple times I found myself questioning if BLW was the right choice for him. Then all of a sudden it was like a switch flipped and he began to eat everything without any issues.

4. If you could give one piece of advice to new mums/dads starting out, what would it be?

My best advice for a new parent wanting to do Baby Led Weaning would be that gagging and choking are too very different things and it’s important to know the difference. Gagging helps them keep the food where it needs to be and this is how they learn to chew instead of swallowing food. I would also like to point out that all babies are different and can take to eating in many ways. Some aren’t interested for a while or some may gag a lot, but sticking through those rough moments are definitely worth it.

5. Any setbacks ie allergies, intolerances, eating regression?

We’ve also had a few moments of regression with teething and a cold that caused my guy to not eat much and want to play or throw his food – which is a normal phase for babies to go through.

6. What age is your baby now and is she/he a good eater now?

Now at almost 10 months he eats amazingly and loves all sorts of different foods. I highly recommend BLW to any parent that is interested. It’s one of the best choices we have made for our son!

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