10 months old and is an amazing eater!

10 months old and is an amazing eater!

My son is now 10 months old and is an amazing eater!

When did your baby start baby led weaning? and when did he swallow more food rather than bits?

My baby started at 6 months old. We started with steamed green veggies, family meals like spaghetti bolognese, roast dinners etc what ever we were eating as a family he ate some as well. We did notice a month in, he started to eat a lot more and swallow a lot more food. Now at 10 months old he is an amazing eater and pretty much eats anything!

Any advice to new parents?
My advice would be don’t rush, be patient, it takes time for them to develop the skill of chewing, eating and swallowing. Give your baby the time and no pressure. Another tip would be – WAIT until 6 months to start. Ensure your baby is ready when starting. Readiness signs can be found here.
Any set backs or allergies on the way?
My son has a fish allergy. So we need to avoid fish for now. We are working with a Paediatrician on a plan to re-introduce fish back into his diet in the future.
Please speak with your doctor or paediatrician if you have any concerns about your baby.
How old is your baby now and how does he eat?
My baby boy is 10 months old and is an amazing eater! We are now starting to venture into other types of textures. He had seaweed yesterday which he really liked the crunchiness texture. We have introduced him to a fork and spoon, and sometimes pre-load it for him. He likes to copy us and use cutlery. He also drinks water at meals times from a open top cup.
success story
success story


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